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Winding Machine Classification and Faults

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Classification of winding machines broadly based on package, winding, drive, and type of yarn used.Also, the various faults of the winding are specified. Some common causes of the faulty winding are also discussed.

Classification of winding machines broadly based on package, winding, drive, and type of yarn used.Also, the various faults of the winding are specified. Some common causes of the faulty winding are also discussed.

Classification of Winding Machines

Classification of winding machines based on package, winding, drive, and type of yarn used which are listed below:

  1. According to package:
    • Flanged bobbin winding m/c.
    • Cone winding m/c.
    • Cheese winding m/c.
    • Pirn winding m/c.
    • Cop winding m/c.
  2. According to winding:
    • Precision winding m/c.
    • Non-precision winding m/c.
  3. According to Drive:
    • Direct Drive winding m/c.
    • Indirect Drive winding m/c.
  4. According to the type of yarn used:

For warp yarn:

  • Upright spindle winding m/c.
  • Drum/Cylinder winding m/c.
    • Warp winding m/c
    • cheese winding m/c
    • Spool winding m/c
    • Cone winding m/c

For weft yarn:

  • Pirn winding m/c
    • Ordinary pirn winding m/c
    • Automatic pirn winding m/c
  • Cop winding m/c.

Faults in Winding

Some of the common winding faults and their causes are as follows:-

Yarn breakageThe main causes are :

  • Improper slub catcher setting.
  • Incorrect tension level.
  • Improper winding speed.
Faulty StitchThe main causes of faulty formation of stitch :

  • Excessive spindle speed.
  • Worn out spindle speed.
  • Large tension variation during winding.
  • Defective release of Yam after knotting.
  • Improper alignment of tension bracket.
  • Worn out or damaged grooves in the drum
  • Improper setting of traverse restrictions.
Faulty Patterns or RibbonsThe main causes of faulty formation of patterns are

  • Defunct antipatterns motion.
  • Incorrectly set antipatterns motion.
  • Cone or choose loose fitting on winding spindle.


EntanglementsEntanglements are mainly caused due to:-

  • Repeated knotter fiber
  • Strong suction pressure
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