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Types of Industrial Embroidery Machines: A Comprehensive Guide

Industrial embroidery machines have come a long way from their historical origins, evolving into sophisticated and versatile tools for various industries. Their enduring role in adding aesthetic value to textiles and products continues to shape modern manufacturing. As technology advances and markets evolve, industrial embroidery machines play a pivotal role in enabling creativity, customization, and innovation. They remain indispensable tools for those seeking to enhance the visual appeal of textiles and products through the art of embroidery.

Indian Traditional Textiles: Surface Design with Applique of Odisha

Design is about progress. It is the conceptualization and creation of new things: the outcome may be a product, service, process, or combination also. The textile design comprises both surface design and structural design. Structural designs are intrinsic parts of materials. They are created through the manipulation of fabrications, color, or texture. Structural design created through fabrication depends on the use of color and texture in the yarns forming loops or interlacing patterns in the fabric whereas the surface design is created by embroidery, appliqué, printing, quilting, or other forms of fabric decoration. In this article, the focus is applied to surface design.