
Monalisa Das5 posts 3 comments
Ms. Monalisa Das did her diploma in Garment Technology from Women’s Polytechnic, Dhenakanal. She pursued her B. Design in NIFD (National Institute of Fashion Design), Bhubaneswar, affiliated to Utkal University of Culture and awarded University gold medal for securing first class first in Bachelor in Fashion Design. Then she pursued her master degree in Textile Design from Utkal University of Culture and awarded University gold medal for securing first class first and along with best post graduate in University. She has more than 10 years of experiences in industrial and academical sector. Now working as a Faculty in School of Fashion Technology , KIIT deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Design is about progress. It is the conceptualization and creation of new things: the outcome may be a product, service, process, or combination also. The textile design comprises both surface design and structural design. Structural…
Indian traditional textile from Kashmir (Kashida embroidery)
- Techniques of embroidery for value-addition
- Introducing Kashida embroidered textile of India from Northern zone
-Origin of technique and design with reference to colors, motifs, layouts of different types of Kashida…
Vogue of Corsets
Corset has been a vogue for several reasons. From posture improvement to waist training, the corset has helped women look gorgeous for hundreds of years. There are various types of corsets today, and unlike the ones of olden times, these…
Costumes: During Indus Valley Civilization
The earliest evidence of textile production in India comes from the Indus Valley, where a complete Urban civilization centred around the two cities of Mahenjodaro and Harappa, thrived between 2500 and 2000 BC. Along with the many figurines…
Origin and History of Clothing
The first known humans to make clothing, Neanderthal man, survived from about 200,000 B.C.E. to about 30,000 B.C.E. During this time the earth’s temperature rose and fell dramatically, creating a series of ice ages throughout the northern…